Saturday, October 20, 2012

My October Garden

I'm always grateful for the plants and flowers that continue to put on a show deep into the autumn season. As gardeners, we all try to plant to have something interesting to see all year long. Even though I don't have nearly enough time to keep all the gardens kept up the way they should to look their best, I must admit, there's still much to admire. 
I took these shots this evening, October 20th!

 The October Skies asters are winding down, but are still showy. 
The golden amsonia foliage contrasts nicely in the background. 
 Rudbeckia fulgida var. fulgida blooms later than the others, 
thus extending the season.
 Newly planted 'Purple Dome' aster color mimics the purple beautyberries.
 I so wish people would plant our native cranberry viburnum instead 
of the highly invasive (exotic) burning bush. Here's my viburnum in its fall coat. 
Native prairie dropseed forms an arching frame to the background plants.
 I love the sound of the water movement in my county-style fountain. 
Ilex verticillata, our native wintrberry is sporting its showy fruits. 
 My 'Knock-Out' rose was a birthday gift from a dear friend several years ago. 
 Was surprised to find my pink yarrow still blooming.
 This was a "pass-along" plant from the same friend!

 This poor mum spent the entire winter last year in a pot on the ground on its side
 and still came back with vigor and put on a heck-of-a-show 
after I finally got in into the ground!
(Wish H&H flowers were still growing mums!)
 Primitive scarecrow
 Unidentified aster along my brick walk. 
Love this mum I got from Ruth Semones of The Rootseller! 
Its individual petals (rays?) look like they have a spoon on the tip!
My dawn redwood "needles" turned this salmon color, 
but they'll eventually drop off as this is a deciduous tree. 

These Dianthus start blooming in March & they're still going!
A lone Centaurea dealbata 
And finally, the faithful hardy begonia, Begonia grandis. 

Hope you enjoyed today's garden tour!

Friday, October 12, 2012

A Few New Goods!

Today was the first day this week I was able to stay home all day, so I was able to get a few new goodies done for the shop for this weekend. Jill offered to hold down the fort along with my hubby for a bit tomorrow morning until I get back from my appointment. 
(Thanks, you two!!!)

 Witchy kitty in a black cauldron with a witches brew recipe tag on the side. 

 Made this using a scrap of old feed bag and filled it with local drieds. 

And my favorite- a Jackie Schmitt inspired little kitty witch!
Should have taken a photo of the cool nail keg with a crow / corn label, too. Maybe tomorrow....

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Encore October Opening at Fawn Run Mercantile!

Just in case you couldn't make it out to the farm last weekend, here's another chance for you to grab some
 Fall-o-ween prims or get a jump on your Christmas list!

Jill & I will have hot spiced apple juice and doughnut holes 
to offer you while you peruse the many enticing displays. 

 Here are some photos from last Saturday's opening.

 Sorry for the blurry shot on this one! Witches' brooms,
 spooky bottles, and candles galore!
 Black Crow Candles make great gifts or to treat yourself. 
The scent called "Witches Brew" smells like sweet licorice! 
 Too cute kitty!

 Decorating ideas.

The new lighted canvases were a hit last week~ we still have a nice selection. 

And even a Christmas corner!

Think you'll enjoy the colorful drive out to the farm, too. 
We've got gorgeous colors on the trees and foliage. 

Come on out to the farm!

3883 E. 700 N. Rolling Prairie, IN
(219) 778-2809

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Oh, What a Beautiful Morning!

These are the views to the north of our farmhouse this morning around 7:30 a.m.- dark skies, but sun illuminating the brilliant foliage of the trees and plants- gorgeous! 
A view towards the barn/ shop from the back patio.
Enjoy the view!

Took this from the back patio.

Amsonia hubrichtii  in all it's fall glory!
 Marvelous maple.
 Signs of the season.

October skies aster.

Our first customer arrived at 9:00 a.m. even though we don't open till 10:00. Hubby let her in anyway and we were off to a great day of Fall-o-ween sales!!!
We're open tomorrow- Sunday, October 7th, too.
Come on out to the farm!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Apple "Jack"

You never know what you're going to find when you bring fruit and produce home, do you?
 It seems I've had a thing with mutant eatables this season- 
first a well-endowed eggplant mama I discovered 
at Mark's Greenhouses earlier this summer (see below)

and now Siamese apples from Williams Orchards! I was getting ready to peel a few fresh Cortlands I'd just purchased to make a pie for hubby's belated birthday gift when what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a double-stacked apple just begging to become Apple "Jack"! 
Yes, this did come out of bag of seconds, 
as I would have had to take out a second mortgage
 to purchase the first quality apples this year!

Maybe it was because I had snowmen on my mind 
(it's that time of year for me to be creating them for my shop) that I immediately knew what I had to do.
 (The pie could wait a few more minutes!)
A couple of cloves for the eyes and nose 
(all three entries ran with juice
 as soon as I stuck them- 
OHHHH, my little man is crying.... Mr. Bill!!!!!)

and a piece of star anise for his mouth, 
cinnamon stick arms, an acorn cap, 
and corn husk scarf brought Jack to life. 
Isn't his little iron pail cute, too?

Here he is presiding over my creation 
(before I put on the top crust)- 
most likely NOT with approval, as I had 
to sacrifice several of his relations in my endeavor
And just in case you were wondering- 
NO, I hadn't been hitting the applejack
 before I started crafting with the produce.... 
it's just that sometimes one needs to chill out 
and have a little play time, right?