Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Few of my Fabulous Fall Plants

Heptacodium miconioides or Seven Sons Flower is a small tree or large shrub. I limbed it up this summer to show off its exfoliating bark. Wish you could see all the bees buzzing on the flowers when I snapped this photo! 
After the flowers fade, the calyces develop into deep red expanded lobes giving it the look of another bloom period. Talk about multiple seasons of interest!
 The purple berries of the beautyberry, I believe this one is Callicarpa bodinieri, never fail to elicit comments of  surprise and interest when visitors first see it. Here the purple cone flowers, Echinacea purpurea, echo the color tones of the grouping. 
 Another shot of the Callicarpa, minus the Echinacea. 

Harlequin Glory Bower, Clerodendrum trichotomum,serves as a lesson learned about purchasing plants on impulse in the nursery instead of researching first and THEN buying. Although I appreciate its stately size , reddish purple stems and striking flowers, I DON'T appreciate its coming up everywhere. Can you say "invasive?"

Vernonia lettermannii 'Iron Butterfly'


 Now here's a well-behaved plant that I adore for several reasons- it's a selection of a native plant, it has fine foliage similar to Amsonia hubrichtii, pretty purple flowers that attract butterflies like crazy, hence the "Iron Butterfly" and best of all, it comes from the master himself, Dr. Allan Armitage and his trials at the University of Georgia, Athens. Anyone who knows me knows I'm still boasting on the personal tour I got from Allan when I toured the Trial Gardens in December in 2010. (Dr. Armitage will be our featured speaker at the 2013 "Going Garden Crazy" spring symposium right here in La Porte County, Indiana!!!! More on that later.)

 'Limelight' hydrangea - a Proven Winners selection that has proven itself with me!
'Pinky Winky', another Proven Winners hydrangea, with 'Limelight' in the background, 'The Fairy' shrub rose, and lamb's ears on the side. 
Need to get some photos of the colchiums before they're done, too!
Hope you enjoyed the garden tour

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